Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Here are some sketches from my "non-digital handdrawn" sketchbook from December thru February 5th.
Included are a couple early concepts for my Ent-F entry

Sean Tourangeau
12-2010 - 02-05-2011

Here is a set of digital sketches from December 2010 thru Early February 2011 done in Sketchbook Pro for the iPad.
There is a mixture of Star Wars, Star Trek (I.S.S. Voyager and other Starships) and my own creations. There is also a scene from my Action Force Pages that I imported into the app and did a quick color to my lines.
Sean Tourangeau
12-2010 - 2-14-2011
Sketchbook Pro for the iPad

Monday, February 7, 2011

Battlespaces Storm Shadow Sketch

I am currently working on a G.I.Joe Battle Spaces Page (Thinks Transformers Mosiac), and the story I have deals with Snake Eyes & Stormshadow. Here is a Sketch of Storm Shadow that will be used in one of the panels.
Sean TourangeauG.I.Joe Battlespaces2-7-2011

Friday, February 4, 2011

Battlespaces Snake Eyes

I am currently working on a G.I.Joe Battle Spaces Page (Thinks Transformers Mosiac), and the story I have deals with Snake Eyes & Stormshadow. Here is a Sketch of Snake Eyes that will be used in one of the panels.
Sean TourangeauG.I.Joe Battlespaces2-4-2011